Brochure Inspiration

I didn’t find a three-panel brochure in person. So, instead, I found a simple one I liked online. This is just a general brochure, nothing special, but I believe it follows the guidelines quite well.

Limiting Color & Contrast

There are only three main colors that make up the brochure. The designer chose tan, white, and a deep ocean blue. The majority of the brochure is made up of the cool blue hue along with some deviants of it. To create the eye-catching contrast, islands are shown in a lighter tan. Important brochure information is in white or has a white backdrop to cleanly segregate it from its surroundings.

As discussed in the GoMedia article on contrast, effective contrast can be displayed using the “grey-scale test.” As you can see from the converted image below, the brochure maintains it’s contrast and attention-grabbing effectiveness.

Limiting Fonts

This brochure did a great job of limiting its fonts. The brochure used a clean and minimal sans-serif font on each panel. For the main brochure title, it used a taller and thinner font (most likely Yanone Kaffeesatz) and a more condensed font (something similar to Montserrat) for the subtitles and body content.

Writing and Layout

As mentioned before, because the cover follows the previous categories quite well, the cover is eye-catching and pleasant to look at. The inside front cover follows this same style and seems to effectively communicate what kind of packages/plans that the travel agency offers. Unfortunately, there isn’t any content on the rest of the inside panel, so we can’t gauge those.
